
Africa Megaproject News

Urban Development World News

  • Tamsin Mills
    by Emily Gribbin on November 28, 2022 at 11:53 pm

    Tamsin is a Registered Professional Planner with over 10 years of experience as a planner, project manager, facilitator and sustainability specialist with municipal and provincial levels of government, First Nations and the private sector. Tamsin led development of the first Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in Canada that follows the ICLEI framework – the City of Vancouver’s… The post Tamsin Mills appeared first on NewCities.

  • Repaying the Urban Carbon Debt is an Opportunity to Invest in Nature
    by Emily Gribbin on November 28, 2022 at 11:49 pm

    By George P.R. Benson and Tamsin Mills The loss of nature, particularly biodiversity, and climate change are intimately linked. As recent scientific and technical reports from the IPCC and others have made clear, these twin crises cannot be addressed in silos. In some cases, sadly, the efforts to tackle challenges in one area have been pitted… The post Repaying the Urban Carbon Debt is an Opportunity to Invest in Nature appeared first on NewCities.

  • Making Space For Justice
    by Emily Gribbin on November 23, 2022 at 2:23 pm

    On a recent episode of threesixtyCITY, Associate Professor in Architectural Design at the University of Melbourne, Janet McGraw, spoke with multi-clan descendant, Elder, and activist Uncle Gary Murray.  The post Making Space For Justice appeared first on NewCities.

  • Connected Communities: For a Healthy and Inclusive Montréal
    by Christina Steinmayr on November 22, 2022 at 3:05 pm

    Our most recent initiative on urban wellbeing, Connected Communities explores local and community solutions that are improving urban health, strengthening residents’ feelings of pride and belonging, and responding to challenges faced by the region of Montréal in housing, mobility, and food security. The post Connected Communities: For a Healthy and Inclusive Montréal appeared first on NewCities.

  • Fostering An Innovative Ecosystem for Inclusive Community Building with Refugee Citizens
    by Emily Gribbin on October 25, 2022 at 6:20 pm

    By Jan Braat and Niene Oepkes As an official Human Rights City, Utrecht in the Netherlands aims to be a welcoming city for everyone. During the Syrian asylum crisis of 2015-2016, the City of Utrecht developed Plan Einstein, a bold and innovative concept to receive newly arrived refugees. The post Fostering An Innovative Ecosystem for Inclusive Community Building with Refugee Citizens appeared first on NewCities.

  • Unsheltered Homelessness – America’s Own Refugee Crisis
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 24, 2022 at 6:39 pm

    By Amy King, Pallet The post Unsheltered Homelessness – America’s Own Refugee Crisis appeared first on NewCities.

  • Amy King
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 24, 2022 at 6:38 pm

    Amy King is the Founder and CEO of Pallet, an Everett, WA-based Public Benefit Corporation. They striveto improve people’s lives while being a successful and profitable company. Pallet addresses unshelteredhomelessness through its high-quality products and the invaluable people who produce them. They arealso a fair chance employer who pays a living wage. Diversified hiring practices… The post Amy King appeared first on NewCities.

  • Rights-Based Housing for Refugees
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 24, 2022 at 3:26 pm

    This year, for the first time ever, the number of people forcibly displaced from their homes passed the 100 million mark. Whether fleeing political unrest, persecution, or forced to relocate due to climate change, migrants often struggle to find housing in the places they find refuge due to increasingly inaccessible and unaffordable housing markets. The post Rights-Based Housing for Refugees appeared first on NewCities.

  • Cities Have the Duty to Act on the Human Right to Housing – And the Tools to Do It, Too
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 24, 2022 at 3:22 pm

    By Elizabeth McIsaac, Maytree So much talk about housing concerns units. How many units can we build? Where are the units located? What does each unit cost? But to make real progress on the housing crisis, we need to talk about people. Which people have been shut out of the housing market? How do public policies affect how people get housing (or don’t)? What do people need to turn a physical structure into a home? The post Cities Have the Duty to Act on the Human Right to Housing – And the Tools to Do It, Too appeared first on NewCities.

  • Jan Braat
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 21, 2022 at 2:13 pm

    Jan Braat is a social scientist and senior policy-advisor on migration and inclusion at the city of Utrecht, one of the four major cities in the Netherlands.  His subjects, within the department of Social Welfare, are matters of homelessness and for the last 20 years, inclusion, undocumented migrants and asylum policies.  At the national level,… The post Jan Braat appeared first on NewCities.

  • Niene Oepkes
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 21, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    Niene Oepkes has been working in the field of migration for  the last 20 years, about a decade of that with the NGO Refugee Council Netherlands and about a decade in local (and multilevel) governance. She is an active member of the Steering Group C-MISE, the City Initiative On Irregular Migrants in Europe. She is… The post Niene Oepkes appeared first on NewCities.

  • Hannah Presser
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 19, 2022 at 5:28 pm

    Hannah Presser is the Program Officer, Housing Technical Assistance at the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Hannah provides housing training and technical assistance to housing logistic and case management staff across the IRC’s 27 U.S. field offices to build staff capacity and to ensure housing stabilization for recently arrived refugees in the U.S. Hannah ensures that… The post Hannah Presser appeared first on NewCities.

  • Chuni Lu
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 19, 2022 at 5:27 pm

    Chuni Lu is the Senior Program Officer, Affordable Housing Solutions at the International Rescue Committee (IRC). Chuni oversees the IRC Resettlement Housing Team’s work in developing innovative housing solutions, building new housing partnerships, and providing training and technical assistance to housing staff at 27 IRC field offices across the U.S. Chuni has over 20 years… The post Chuni Lu appeared first on NewCities.

  • Seeking Home: Afghan Resettlement Demonstrates Barriers to Affordable Housing and Potential Solutions
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 19, 2022 at 1:42 pm

    By Hannah Presser and Chuni Lu, The International Rescue Committee Urban space in North America is continuously re-invigorated by newcomer populations. Take for example the new waves of immigrants arriving in New York City from Asia and the global south establishing themselves in Little Italy, a once European enclave. A significant portion of these newcomers are refugees arriving through the U.S. refugee resettlement program, which has welcomed over 3.7 million people into American cities and towns since its inception. The post Seeking Home: Afghan Resettlement Demonstrates Barriers to Affordable Housing and Potential Solutions appeared first on NewCities.

  • Why Cities are Best Placed to Provide Homes for Refugees: The Medellín Model
    by Christina Steinmayr on October 19, 2022 at 1:39 pm

    By Samer Saliba and Helen Elizabeth Yu, Mayors Migration Council Most refugees live in cities, which should come as no surprise, considering over half the world’s population now resides in urban areas, driven by an increasing demographic shift away from agrarian livelihoods, particularly in regions affected by forced displacement. The post Why Cities are Best Placed to Provide Homes for Refugees: The Medellín Model appeared first on NewCities.